55 Ans

Date de naissance Namur

Date de décès 23/10/2019 Bioul

  • Marta Holló

Avis de décès

    • deceased.av


  1. Miloslava Ždárská

    Pláceme s Tebou. Miloslava a Vladimír

  2. Zuckersammler DZDF

    Es ist traurig, einen lieben Menschen zu verlieren,
    aber es ist trauriger, ihn leiden zu sehen.

  3. Girlot Martine

    Toutes mes sincères condoléances.

    Girlot Martine

  4. G Laloux

    Angelo et Martin, nous vous présentons, ainsi qu'à toute la famille, nos plus sincères condoléances en ces moments douloureux et pensons bien à vous.
    Gaëtan et Céline Laloux

  5. gérard Depreux

    Chantal et Gérard Depreux (organisateurs des réunions d'échanges de Montceau les Leups et Versigny 02) vous présentent leurs bien sincères condoléances en ce triste jour et se souviennent des bons
    moments passés ensemble. Avec toute notre affection.

  6. Lida a Honza Radek

    Dear Angelo. Saying goodbye to someone we love is heartbreaking. May you find comfort in all the special memories shared with Lida and Honza Radek and Museum Sugar Industry Dobrovice.

  7. Renate, Klaus, Anke und Hans

    Hello Angelo,

    I think of you and your children every hour and I am soo sad.

    The bad thing about the death of Monique is not the fact that death has taken a loved one from you and your children, but rather the fact that Monique leaves you and your children alone with your memories.

    I send you words that your wife might well say:

    "When the rainbow faded,
    there came the albatross,
    and he carried me with gentle wings
    far beyond the seven seas.
    Gently, he put me on the edge of the light.
    I entered and felt safe.
    I did not leave you,
    I'm only one step ahead of you. "

    In this sense, I greet you all warmly.

    My thoughts are with you in the difficult time of farewell and sadness. I wish you soon a time where you can remember with a smile and with gratitude to the many beautiful, shared years.

    I say all my words in the name of the members of the EGZ who knowed your lovely wife.

    Renate, Klaus, Anke and Hans


    Toutes nos condoléances dans ses moments difficiles à toi et toute ta famille.

    Famille Daoust - Labasse

  9. Czech collectors

    Dear Angelo,
    on behalf of Czech Packed Sugar Collection Club I'd like to condole for Monica. We'll remember her for ever.
    Jaroslav Kolín
    Chairman of KSBC

  10. Micheline et René

    Mes plus sincères condoleances à toute votre famille. René et Micheline