Jochen Meesters

40 Ans

Date de naissance Bilzen

Date de décès 30/07/2023 Rosmeer

Jochen Meesters
  • bathsheba LY4ever42
  • Today is a full year since we've lost you,missed every day LY forever 42, BathSheba
  • Ill love you forever 42! Bathsheba
  • LY4ever42! Bathsheba
  • ElfStone Elf

Avis de décès

  • Jochen Meesters
    • Het Belang van Limburg


  1. Bathsheba Love you forever 42. a allumé une bougie
  2. Bathsheba a placé une fleur

    Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure
    You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
    LY forever,42!

  3. Bathsheba a placé une fleur

    My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never. Love is a never ending journey. Love is an eternal fame that will keep on burning. In true love, nothing changes, even if we are separated.Forever 42!

  4. Bathsheba a placé une fleur

    Death is sometimes kinder than Love.
    Miss you, love you forever ...42.

  5. LY forever 42 Bathsheba a allumé une bougie
  6. Who Loved and will love you forever! Bathsheba a allumé une bougie
  7. Bathsheba a placé une fleur

    You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant.”LY Forever 42!

  8. good morning love ,LY 42! Bathsheba. a allumé une bougie
  9. Bathsheba LY forever 42 a allumé une bougie
  10. Bathsheba a placé une fleur

    The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.
    Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.
    Love you for ever Angel,you're still mu everything.....42!