Annie Delva

71 Jaar

Geboren Veldwezelt

Overleden 23/03/2017 Genk

Annie Delva


    • Annie Delva
      • Het Belang van Limburg


    1. A Tribute To My Mother-in-Law Elena plaatste een bloem

      You have been our greatest source of inspiration and courage.Deep in our hearts we will always keep Your Image.God has now a precious Angel, the One we have lost.There is nothing that is Invincible for a Soul as Spirited as You..yet You bowed down to death to honour God's will,regale angels of death and make them smile.It's been over 6days now since God and His angels called You away...We should go to Toscane...why did You left us when you wanted to stay?When they said You gonna die,I refused to believe it could be true.How could I allow myself to even imagine saying goodbye to You?You were an Angel here on earth,an Example,we learned so very much from You.You were so gentle and so kind,Your smile would always see me through.You gave your all to Your family and friends,never once stopping to think about you. :( I can never say goodbye to You,because I could never bear the pain.Instead,I say I love You,until we meet again.(We should still go to Toscane... :( )Rest in peace my Brave, Lovely Mother-in-Law :(

    2. Hubertien Aussems plaatste een bloem

      Innige deelneming voor gans de familie

    3. Dedroog anita plaatste een bloem

      Rust zacht Annie

    4. Jeannine en jos plaatste een bloem

      Rust zacht,veel sterte

    5. jorissen lutgarde plaatste een bloem

      rust zacht ANNIE

    6. veel sterkte aan gans de famillie plaatste een bloem

      rust zacht ANNIE

    7. veel sterkte aan gans de famillie plaatste een bloem

      rust zacht ANNIE

    8. Patrick en Diana plaatste een bloem
    9. Je kleindochter Lindsay plaatste een bloem

      Mijn lieve oma , ik mis je zo erg

    10. Simon Vanheusden

      biedt aan de familie zijn gevoelens van christelijke deelneming aan.